Online storage providers supported by KeePassium

This page summarizes the storage providers tested by KeePassium team and end users. Some storage providers work more reliably than others, so make sure to read about your favorite option.

Quick start tip

We can recommend Dropbox or iCloud Drive as the most reliable sync option (and there’s a free tier).
Of course, you are free to choose any other provider as well.

File provider Status Updated on
Box full support 2021-05-26
Cryptomator manual sync only 2021-05-26
Dropbox full support 2023-07-09
Fritz!NAS read-only access, fails on saving 2021-05-26
Google Drive full support, but no offline sync 2023-07-10
iCloud Drive full support 2023-07-10
MagentaCloud manual sync only 2021-05-26 manual sync only 2021-05-26
Nextcloud generally works, but with issues 2021-05-26
OneDrive full support 2023-07-10
ownCloud untested, might work 2021-05-26
pCloud full support 2021-05-26
QNAP NAS generally works via Qfile app (caching issues)
full support via WebDAV full support via SMB
Resilio Sync generally works, but with issues 2021-05-26
Sandisk iXpand drive manual sync only 2021-05-26
Seafile Pro full support 2023-07-09
SFTP full support with a third-party app 2021-05-26
SMB network shares full support, but no offline access 2023-07-10
SSH mounts reported to work via Secure ShellFish (offline access unstable) 2021-05-26 one-way sync (does not upload changes automatically) 2021-05-26
Syncthing reported to work via Mobius Sync, more feedback needed 2021-05-26
Synology NAS full support 2023-07-10
Tresorit works, but Tresorit app should be opened for synchronization 2021-05-26
USB flash drives full support 2021-05-26
WebDAV full support: via third-party apps and directly 2023-07-10
WD MyCloud original WD app: manual sync only
should work via WebDAV
Yandex.Disk original Yandex.Disk app: manual sync only
generally works via WebDAV