KeePassium 1.24 released
KeePassium 1.24 adds support for KDBX 4.1 format, custom icons for groups and entries, and four new languages.
Support for KDBX 4.1 format
A few days ago, KeePass 2.48 introduced a new database format, KDBX 4.1. It focuses mainly on internal improvements that make it easier to track changes in database content (moved groups, modification of custom icons and plugin data).
KeePassium can read and save KDBX 4.1 databases now.
Custom icons for groups and entries
KeePassium already includes three sets of predefined icons. However, 69 icons can feel ascetic if you have hundreds of accounts…
Now you can add custom icons (from your Photo library) and use them for groups and entries. Custom icons are stored in the database and will work with any other KDBX-compatible app.
Korean, Slovak, Thai and Turkish translation
Thanks to volunteer translators somni, onegin1, poonnawit and ofmenlik, KeePassium is now available in Korean, Slovak, Thai and Turkish.
You can also translate KeePassium to your native language or help improving an existing translation.